For many years now I have been bringing my work with Anthroposophia into an understanding of the path of The Melissae - The Bee Priestess - which draws inspiration from a unique ancient spring, whose source can perhaps be described as extra-terrestrial - for it is more cosmic than earthly - an arcane spiritual discipline - an underground working – a honeyed vein – difficult to trace but easy to bring into our time now, once encountered.
The Melissae utilize ancient methodologies made new thru Spiritual Science, to move into liminal zones, in-between places of ‘neither-niether’ – using various zsound vibrations – Practicing the Apis-Codex: a guide to living in right relationship with what has been called the Path of Pollen; which we can name today as our Karmic Relationships.
Here, specific meditations & ceremonial observations revolve around the Lemniscatic Volatus, the Dance of Infinite Flight. These rites are imparted & utilized to move between worlds – to step outside & beyond the circles of time.
Within these Reverse Ritual practices, accompanying ceremonial workings, a path is laid, leading to physical & psycho-spiritual health; & simultaneously, it is a pilgrimage forged towards a future vital & radiant life after death.
This work follows the traditional awareness of the bee as an intermediary, a messenger from those peripheral realms of human awareness where perceptions of the super-sensible world are revealed.
The bee carries a signal or frequency that enables a cosmic & earthly exchange, manifesting as a living vibration of Selfless Love - The hive empowers the sterile to become fertile, & initiates the process of regeneration.
The Bee, in this context, represents an interlocutor between our immediate mundane awareness & the ‘Spiritual space’ of human cognition.
Bees have a place in human history, yet come from spiritual realms. The mythology that surrounds them is potent & indicates a close, reciprocal relationship between the hive & humanity as companions in life’s great journey.
Traditionally the bee was perceived as a Being that bridged the gap between the physical & the Spiritual worlds, the intermediary between two states of existence. In many cultures The Bee Priestess was called the ‘Illumined One’.
The Bee is an emblem of Potnia, the Minoan-Mycenaean “Mistress”, also referred to as “The Pure Mother Bee”. Her Priestesses received the name of “Melissae” (which means Bee). In addition, The Delphic Priestess, as well as those worshipping Artemis & Demeter were called “Bees”.
The Homeric Hymn to Apollo acknowledges that Apollo’s gift of prophecy first came to him from Three Bee Maidens, usually identified with the Thriae, a Trinity of pre-Hellenic Aegean Bee Goddesses.
The Kalahari Desert’s Sand people tell of a bee that carried a mantis across a river. The exhausted bee left the mantis on a floating flower but planted a seed in the mantis’s body before it died. The seed grew to become the first human.
In Egyptian mythology, bees grew from the tears of the Sun god Ra when they landed on the desert sand.
The bowstring on Hindu love god Kamadeva’s bow is made of honeybees.
Orators, powerful speakers & those who can enrapture their audience thru their linguistic ability, are said to have lips that have been anointed with honey.
Honey was used as currency in many cultures.
From the earliest times of our agrarian history the relationship between farmers & the bees that pollinate & confirm our food crops has been one of reciprocal support. The bee is a mayor agent of pollination, the catalyst that facilitates fertilization, allowing our crops to mature, develop & reproduce. It is easy to see why their function is considered so illustrious thruout the ages - ascribed a mystical place within the human experience.
In the last 10 years there has been an alarming decline in bee colony numbers. Over one third in the US have simply disappeared - a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder. Various theories from industrial farming with its deadly pesticides to 5G have been noted as part of the problem. The consequences are vast. This is a worldwide happening & indicative of a deadly shift occurring within the planet’s own equilibrium - Is this a signal of the end of natural agriculture?
The bees are spiritual messengers trying to get our attention. Will we take up their example of selfless love ? - or suffer the sting of extinction?
Here is a link to Rudolf Steiner’s book “Bees” that has profoundly changed my life.
Do you bee-lieve?
9 September 2024 – “Speaking with the Stars”
1828 – Birthday of Leo Tolstoy
1851 – Birthday of Mabel Collins
1901 – Deathday of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter & illustrator
1907 – Rudolf Steiner writes the ‘Barr Documents’ while staying with Edouard Schure – These lectures were given on the fringe of the International Theosophical Congress held in Paris and attended by delegates from many countries. Rudolf Steiner himself attached a distinct importance to this course in Paris where he formulated a basic view of Esoteric Christianity which a few years later was to separate him radically from the Theosophical Society. In the 37th chapter of Rudolf Steiner’s ‘The Story of My Life’ (written in 1924–25 shortly before his death) we find the following passage:
In the Paris cycle of lectures I brought forward a perception which had required a long process of “ripening” in my mind. After I had explained how the members of the human being — physical body; etheric body, as mediator of the phenomena of life; and the “bearer of the ego” — are in general related to one another, I imparted the fact that the etheric body of a man is female, and the etheric body of a woman is male. Through this a light was cast within the Anthroposophical Society upon one of the basic questions of existence which just at that time had been much discussed.
But the question was carried into the depths of the being of man. In his physical body man is bound up with the cosmos quite otherwise than in his etheric body. Through his physical body man stands within the forces of the earth; through his etheric body within the forces of the outer cosmos. The male and female elements were carried into connection with the mysteries of the cosmos.
This knowledge was something belonging to the most profoundly moving inner experiences of my soul; for I felt ever anew how one must approach a spiritual perception by patient waiting and how, when one has experienced the “ripeness of consciousness,” one must lay hold by means of ideas in order to place the perception within the sphere of human knowledge.”
“It is perhaps not without significance that it was in Paris, where Thomas Aquinas had elaborated some seven centuries earlier his Christ-oriented Scholasticism, that Rudolf Steiner gave his first course on an Esoteric Christian Cosmology appropriate to the dawn of the new Age of Light. Schuré’s notes in French of the 18 lectures, published in French in 1928, constitute the only record of this course. They now appear for the first time in English translation in their entirety in book form, readily available to the modern student of the Science of the Spirit. ~R. M. Querido
An Esoteric Cosmology – THE BIRTH OF THE INTELLECT AND THE MISSION OF CHRISTIANITY. “It is only of recent times that the truths of occultism have been the subject of public lectures. Formerly, these truths were only revealed in secret societies, to those who had passed through certain degrees of initiation and had sworn to obey the laws of the Order through the whole of their life. Today, man is entering upon a very critical period. Occult truths are beginning to be disclosed to the public. In a matter of twenty years or so, a certain number of them will already be common knowledge. Why is this? The reason is that humanity is entering upon a new phase which it is the object of this lecture to explain..” ~Rudolf Steiner
1945 – Plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki – the 2nd act of genocide ordered for testing purposes by President Harry Truman
1954 – The 6.7 M earthquake shakes northern Algeria. At least 6,243 people were killed
1965 – Hurricane Betsy makes its second landfall near New Orleans, leaving 76 dead 12 billion dollars in damages
1974 – Richard Nixon resigned as President following the Watergate scandal
1976 – Death day of Mao Zadong
Sunday 22 September 2024 from 1 PM – 2:30 PM Central Time (US & Canada)
Join us for an online Community gathering employing Science, Art, & Spirituality in the co-creation of a cosmopolitan Michaelmas Festival with
Mysteria Mystica Americana (MA)
All are welcome - Go to the Upcoming Events page to register
Or simply Join Zoom Meeting 22 September 1 PM – 2:30 PM CT
Meeting ID: 705 017 4041
Passcode: MA
Here is a link to recordings of our past offerings
Farm Day & Michaelmas Festival at Zinniker farm
Saturday 28 September 2024 – 1 pm Biodynamic Prep making, 5 pm Potluck, 6 – 7:30 pm Sound Healing & other festivities celebrating the Season.
RSVP only contact
Stay tuned for details
4 - 6 October 2024 Annual Southeast Biodynamic Conference - Celebrating the 100-year anniversary of biodynamic agriculture. Hosted by Jeff Poppen ‘the Barefoot Farmer’ Long Hungry Creek Farm in Red Boiling Springs, TN
Join us at the Goetheanum for the performance of Rudolf Steiner’s Four Mystery Dramas 26-31 December 2024
If you want to support the Spiritualization of the Earth thru the Biodynamic Farming done on Zinniker Farm, you are invited to become a paid subscriber, with all donations going directly to the farm
translated (with added titles) by Roy Sadler
The Summer's Yield
In autumn haze
the senses' lure fades;
a mist arising veils
the light's revealing.
In widths of space I see
the autumn landscape fall asleep;
the summer's yielded me her being
for me to reap.
This verse, the Soul Calendar's first mention of autumn, comes 2 weeks before the Autumn Equinox and 3 weeks after the square quartet verse that I regard as the transition from summer to autumn, giving v21 the title AUTUMN PRELUDE I. When do you, dear reader, believe autumn begins?
I hope we can reap now the summer's yield that the bees provide. Oh... may their colonies survive
and continue dancing living vibrations of Selfless Love.
Oh let this sonnet sound with sense of bees
whose dancing learns the music light composes.
They gravitate in darkness and so eas-
ily one waggles, turns exact degrees,
shapes lemniscates and there, where sunspace lives,
it charts 'saliva of the stars', the nectar (a 'nectar expression' by Pliny, 1st century Roman)
found, danced for, gathered and condensed for winter
into fresh summer flower’s highest octave’s
remembrance, every sestet heaven’s droplet
men have prayed, climbed for. But our own light lapses.
Our poison spreads with ease: disease collapses
the colonies we’ve cared for. What last couplet
foretells our bond with nature… left… in silence…
or kept, dark songs’ light, learnt? Our sustenance…
It has had numerous consequences throughout "his story" from catastrophic to englightening. We are seeing magnetic shift speed up and heading towards fault lines, with increased earthquakes and volcanoes. Perhaps I should do an AI deep dive and see what I can dig up.
Losing bees is bad news for everyone. Maybe this is the reason they are really pushing fake foods???
I will dig hag